Show Season 2018
Show season is upon us. The few months of the year when passionate hunters and shooters momentarily step away from the great outdoors to convene in various convention halls across the country. Every show is different, but they all offer a chance to chat with professionals, handle products, and brush shoulders with the vast network of people who dedicate themselves to this industry. They remind us how incredible it is to continue to be a part of one of our nation’s oldest traditions.
As our brand has grown over the past two decades, we have been proud to shake more hands and put more firearms on display than ever before at every show. We’ve incorporated the best of what we’re made of into our products, but the shooters who have recognized the difference our technology and craftsmanship has made have propelled us from a small-town dream and a folding table in the basement to center-stage as one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.

We’re still an American-made small business at heart, no matter how many guns we build a year. We pride ourselves on our customer service, our hardworking sales team, and the passion all of our employees bring to their jobs. Our success has been a product of our people and our vision to put a product on every local gun store shelf that stands alone.
This show season we invite you to experience a little bit of what we’ve accomplished. Whether you dropped by at the Dallas Safari Club Convention, SHOT Show, Safari Club International, or are planning to visit at the NRA Annual Exhibits this year we’d be glad to shake your hand and show you what’s new and coming next. If our team can’t make it to your local show, one of our retailers be more than happy to do the same: